0:01- We open with a sniper given the green light to shoot Lincoln, what could go wrong, right? Well how about Michael Rappaport just so happening to see said sniper as Lincoln walks behind a tree... phew that was a close one.
0:02- Sniper in shootout with Mahone, who's now on the roof. Oddly sniper isn't such a good shot.
0:05- Sarah's oddly timed panic attack is just a potential preggo scare. We have to see her holding a pregnancy test because, lets be honest, her acting isn't conveying anything... ever.
0:11- I hate, HATE those commercials where they offer to buy someone a computer if they can find a good one under $1500. Why does the mom act shocked to be getting a free computer at the end when they told her "you find it, you keep it"? Are PB writers moonlighting for ad reps?
0:15- Linc arguing with Mahone, T-bags, and Rappaport about how to acquire Sylla. The last month or two of this show is just varying permutations of this same scene, over and over. And these guys have less chemistry than the Yankees clubhouse.
0:15- Mahone just happens to stumble upon Michael and Sarah in downtown Miami. I'm sure its a small city though.
0:18- Apparently "The Company" which uses intricate ciphers and codes, also leaves behind clues that are google-able. Michael and Sarah have a lead... I wonder if this will take them to a showdown with Linc and the boys.
0:19- So the guys arrive at the embassy in India. Guess the writers didn't feel like researching whether or not there is an Indian embassy in Miami. Spoiler alert: there's not.
0:21- T-bags distraction is a diatribe with the security guard at the "embassy." His rants are hilarious. Did you know elephant dung could be processed into parchment?
0:26- A painting of Taj Mahal is prominently placed in a scene. Is it possible that they wanted to allude back to the model Michael built for the warden in season one? No way did they think of that, right?
0:29- Mrs. Scofield is offering technology to India that would "catapult [India] 50 years ahead of its time," leading me to wonder why the US government would just be hiding it from the world.
0:33- Commerical for Cisco that includes the actor who places "The General" singing "I Will Survive." So much for him being scary, and nice job Fox's ad sales team.
0:38- A captured Linc, Mahone, and Rappaport are brought into an office and told "Move an inch and I will kill you" and then left alone, unguarded. It must be nice for the show's writers to not have to care about job performance.
0:39- The guys leave the room.
0:39- Oh yeah, also that well run business meeting to sell the contents of Sylla? Well they just happened to forget their post-it note detailing the next step of the plan. Showdown at the airport coming!!!
0:41 Scofield's mom just called him unintentionally and knew his voice after not seeing him since childhood. I'm sure baby Michael had that deep voice though.
0:43- Two white men pull up to airport in a black SUV; Michael and Sarah know they are badguys coming for them. I believe they call that racial profiling.
0:49- Big car chase at the airport, Sarah versus Company agents. I'm sure no one will notice.
0:50- Michael and Sarah about to be shot execution style on the tarmac. Saved last second by Mahone and a sniper rifle. Sets up a Michael Linc reunion. Linc and crew steal the hostage and bad acting steals the scene.
0:55- T-bag deep in thought, clearly contemplating turning on the guys, his go to move. The makeup person who designed the gashes on his face clearly put one on that looks a little too much like a vagina. Not saying, just saying.
0:57- In a not shocking turn of events, T-bags gives up the guys plan to The General. I'm thinking someone won't be surviving.
0:59- Another trip to the can for Sarah and this time the reveal of a positive preggo test. Tears: joy or sadness?
1:00- Rappaport and Mahone believe Sandinsky's story even though, we the viewer, knows its a lie. Apparently an former FBI agent and former homeland security agent can't discern a phony backstory. That's comforting, Fox.
1:01- A not-so-subtle smile by our new con, Sandinsky, and we get the scary PB theme, andddd SCENE. As usual, job barely done.
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